Home / Professional Development / Awards / Researchers / Physiology In Perspective Walter B. Cannon Award Lecture

The Physiology in Perspective Walter B. Cannon Award Lectureship is awarded to an outstanding physiological scientist who is an APS member. The recipient is selected by the APS Executive Cabinet in recognition of their original and outstanding accomplishments in the field of physiology.

The recipient presents a lecture on "Physiology in Perspective" at the American Physiological Summit, addressing Cannon's concepts of "The Wisdom of the Body." The lecture may be considered for publication in the Society journal of their choosing.

The recipient will attend the Society's annual meeting, where they will receive their award and participate in special events such as a Cannon poster session. The recipient is also asked to organize and chair a virtual symposium related to their research, to be presented sometime after the annual meeting. 

The recipient receives an honorarium of $4,000, a plaque, and reimbursement of expenses incurred in association with participating in the annual meeting (maximum $2500).

The membership is invited to submit nominations for this lecture. A nomination shall be accompanied by a candidate's curriculum vitae and one letter detailing the individual's status and contributions. Nominations are only accepted via online submission. 

  • Nominees must be APS members.


By nomination only. The nominator shall upload the following:

  • The candidate's curriculum vitae
  • One letter detailing the individual's status and contributions

Nominations are only accepted via online submission.


Watch The Walter B. Cannon Award Lecture



Award at a Glance

Award amount: $4,000 honorarium, reimbursement of expenses incurred in association with participating in the annual meeting

Application deadline: October 4

Questions? Contact: Member Communities Department

Who can apply: APS members by nominations only. 

Past Awardees



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